Tuesday, 22 October 2019

Confidence in Composites

Last week TWI's Nathan Hartley presented an overview of the ACCURATe project at the "Confidence in Composites" event, organised by the leading UK industry trade association Composites UK and supported by the world's largest trade association serving the composites industry - the American Composites Manufacturers Association (ACMA).

The two day conference provided a showcase for the latest non-destructive evaluation and testing (NDE/T) technologies, structural health monitoring (SHM) techniques and approaches to repair for composite materials through case study presentations and demonstrations. It was attended by representatives from leading UK composite manufacturers and experts in NDE/T from industry and academia. 

Here's a photo taken during Nathan’s presentation which included an up to date account of project progress and some excellent images & videos of the system in action:

The presentation was well received and generated significant interest. For more information follow this link to the conference website. A full version of the presentation has also been added to the project website here.